《竹外桃花三两枝, 春江水暖鸭先知》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·竹林外已有两三枝桃花绽开花蕾,在水中嬉戏的鸭子最先察觉初春江水的回暖。描写初春生机勃勃的景象,说明了这样的哲理:对事物有敏锐的观察才能抓住先机。· 英译 ·Outside the bamboo grove, there are a couple ofpeaches begin...
· 句意 ·从书本上得到的知识终归是浅薄的,要彻底理解书本知识的深刻道理必须亲身去实践。强调了理论与实践相结合的重要性。· 英译 ·The knowledge acquiring from the books is alwayssuperficial, you must practise...
《只愿君心似我心, 定不负相思意》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·只希望你的心像我的心一样,那样就一定不会辜负我日思夜想的一片痴情。表达了对恋人的希望和对爱情的坚定。· 英译 ·I only hope that your mind is just like mine, sothat you won't disappoint me who m...
《执子之手, 与子偕老》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·紧紧拉着你的手,与你永不分离、白头到老!这是一个征战在外不能归家的士兵回忆与妻子分别时的场景。表达了两情缱绻,对爱情坚贞不渝。· 英译 ·Hold your hands tightly till we get old and die.A soldier at the batt...
· 句意 ·你可知道,你可知道,那海棠树上已是红的见少,绿的见多?表达了春光瞬息即逝和好花不常在的无限惋惜之情。· 英译 ·Do you know that there should be fewer redflowers and more green leaves in the beg...
《在天愿作比翼鸟, 在地愿为连理枝》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·愿做天上比翼齐飞的鸟儿,愿为地上连枝而生的树木。表达了忠贞的爱情。· 英译 ·We are willing to be birds flying together in thesky, and branches growing together on the ground.T...
《月上柳梢头, 人约黄昏后》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·恋人相约黄昏后,月亮爬上柳树枝头时相见。描写情侣约会,充满了甜蜜与幸福之情。· 英译 ·My lover and I agree on meeting each other afterthe dusk, while the moon is on the top of will...
《愿君多采撷, 此物最相思》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·希望朋友多采集红豆,因为它最能寄托思念之情。红豆代表相思,希望对方更多地想到自己。· 英译 ·If you go to the south, please pick as many redbeans as you can, because they can represent...
《欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·要想看到千里之外的美景,就要再登上一层楼,站得更高一些。诗句揭示了一个哲理:站得高,才看得远。· 英译 ·If you want to see the beautiful scene far away,you have to climb up one more storey ...
《欲把西湖比西子, 淡妆浓抹总相宜》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·想把西湖比成美女西施,无论是淡雅的妆饰还是浓艳的打扮都一样美丽迷人。赞美西湖天然之美,表达对美景的喜爱。· 英译 ·I want to compare the West Lake to the beauty namedXiShi, who looks pretty with ...
《衣带渐宽终不悔, 为伊消得人憔悴》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·想念心上人,衣服变得宽松、身体消瘦也不后悔,甘愿为他而憔悴。表现了对爱情的执著,甘愿为情所苦,始终无悔。· 英译 ·I miss my lover so much that I become thinnerand thinner and the clothes becomes...
《一日不见, 如三秋兮》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·一天没见到心爱的人,就像过了三季那么长。表达出对恋人无比深切的思念之情。· 英译 ·I haven't seen my lover for only one day, butI feel that it is as long as three seasons.To expre...
《一骑红尘妃子笑, 无人知是荔枝来》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·一匹快马扬起千里尘埃,不过是为博得杨贵妃的嫣然一笑,又有谁知道那是从千里之外为她运送荔枝来呢?讽刺了封建统治者的骄奢淫逸和昏庸无道。· 英译 ·A horse is running fast towards the palace, thenthe imperial concu...
《一道残阳铺水中, 半江瑟瑟半江红》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·夕阳斜照在江面上,江水是半边澄碧半边红。描写日暮时的秋江景色,突出了光色变化的迷人效果。· 英译 ·The sunshine at dusk falls onto the river, andthe river turns half green and half red.T...
《野旷天低树, 江清月近人》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·四野空旷,远远看去似乎天比树还要低;月亮映在清澈见底的水中,似乎离人更近了。描写傍晚江边景色,表达了旅途中的愁思。· 英译 ·It's quiet all around, and the sky seems to belower than the trees. The moo...
《野火烧不尽, 春风吹又生》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·大火烧不尽生命顽强的野草,只要春风一吹,它又萌发,呈现出勃勃生机。赞颂野草的坚忍不拔和顽强的生命力,表达积极向上的精神。· 英译 ·Fire can never burn all the grass out, because as soonas the spring wind...
《窈窕淑女, 君子好逑》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·美丽善良的好姑娘是好男儿寻求的伴侣。表达了古人对自由爱情的追求。· 英译 ·A pretty and modest maiden should be the mateof a gentleman.To express ancient people's pursuit of f...
· 句意 ·小荷叶刚露出水面一点,就已经有蜻蜓站立在上面了。表达了对新生事物的喜爱之情。· 英译 ·When the lotus has just been out of the water,there is already a dragonfly on it.To show peopl...
《夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·夕阳下的乐游原虽然无限美丽,可惜好景不长,很快就会被夜幕淹没。表达对美好时光的恋惜之情和无可奈何的深深慨叹。· 英译 ·Although the sunset is quite gorgeous, it willsoon be swallowed by the dark ni...
《无可奈何花落去, 似曾相识燕归来》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·花朵凋落是无可奈何之事,好在旧时熟悉的燕子飞回来了。表达了对韶华易逝的伤感。· 英译 ·We are utterly helpless when flowers fall, but thegood news is that the familiar swallows flie...
《无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·无边无际的树叶萧萧落下,滚滚而来的长江奔流不息。描写三峡壮丽的秋景,表达诗人对宇宙变化无穷、人世生生不已的感悟。· 英译 ·Boundless leaves fall down and down. The endlessChangjiang River comes on an...
《问君能有几多愁, 恰似一江春水向东流》句意、原诗、英译
· 句意 ·请问,你心中有多少忧愁?我心中的忧愁啊,就像那一江春水滚滚不尽向东流淌。表达了作者无限的哀愁。· 英译 ·How much sadness do you have? It's just like theendless river flowing to the east.To ...